One Simple Process to Generating Revenue

Revenue pain is the #1 pain point for small businesses everywhere. Generating revenue is a combination of marketing and sales activity directed to your ideal target. When you get your value message in front of the right target, sales become much easier. Watch the video below for a process to generate more revenue now!


Henry and Paul are neighbors and they frequently run into each other during their morning walk. One morning when they bump into each other Henry says: “Hey Paul, why do you look so dejected today?” Paul replies “Oh Henry, I’m in trouble I need cash for the business and have no idea where to get it from!!”

Henry’s reply is priceless: “Oh I’m sure glad to hear that” he replied. “I was afraid you might think you could borrow it from me!”

You can see and hear the dejection in Henry’s voice because revenue is the #1 pain point for small businesses everywhere. Generating revenue is a combination of marketing and sales activity directed to your ideal target. When you get your value message in front of the right target, sales become much easier.

It’s not that hard but you’ve got to do the work.

The Apostle Paul wrote 2000 years ago:

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously”

You’ve got to do the work. Reap what you sow and sow what you reap.

Here are the process steps:

1. Establish your ideal target. Don’t short change this effort. It’s the key to marketing success.
2. Connect with your target.
3. Ask what they need, what their trying to solve, and what the solution would mean (the result) for their business.
4. Present your solution only if you can solve the problem
5. Answer any questions they may have.
6. Close the sale.

It’s a simple process.

People like to buy things they need, from people they like. And somewhere we find a way to overcomplicate and screwed it all up by making it some kind of crazy thing. It’s simply, ‘What do you need? What are you trying to solve? Do I have it?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Is it the right price?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Next.’”

You might say it’s not that simple, but it is, as long as you know the process. However, don’t feel bad if you don’t have or know the process. I’ve worked with more than one client that didn’t even know there was such a thing as a sales process. If you need a sales process, or you’re interested in learning a simple sales process, write Impact7 in the comments below. We’ll connect offline and I’ll send you a copy of my Impact 7 Sales process so you can get your sales moving in the right direction.

Before you leave I’d love to hear from you. Scroll down and leave a comment share what you do and or write the word IMPACT7 for a free copy of my Impact7 Sales process.

Cheers to your success


  1. Ann
    September 29, 2019 at 11:55 am

    Thank you!! I’d love to read about Impact7.

    • John Whitt
      October 5, 2019 at 9:13 am

      Hello Ann, great to hear from you! Glad you enjoyed this. I’ll get that right over to you!

    • John Whitt
      December 2, 2019 at 9:46 am

      I sent the Impact7 process. Did you receive it?

      All the best,

  2. Ginnie Churchill
    October 10, 2019 at 7:36 pm

    Please send my your Impact 7 sales strategy info. G

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